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Unreal Fast Track Workshop

Introduction to the engine and making a third-person platformer

For the first week, you will start off with an Unreal Online Learning course called “Your First Hour in Unreal Engine”. This course will give you a broad overview of the engine while going through the steps for making a scene and running around inside it.

Full content: Workshop One: Introduction to the engine and making a thirdperson platformer (PDF)

Diving into Blueprints, Powerups, and Obstacles

For the second week, we are going to learn more about Blueprints and how they work. The Unreal Online Learning course for this week is called “Blueprints—Essential Concepts”. Blueprint is a visual C++ scripting system within Unreal Engine and it is an extremely important tool to know how to use. No prior coding experience is required for learning Blueprints. Note that once you begin the course, you will be prompted to download an Unreal Engine project to work with as you follow alongside the instructor.

Full content: Workshop Two: Diving into Blueprints, Powerups, and Obstacles (PDF)

Creating HUDs, Health Systems, and High Scores

For the third week, we will be focusing on UMG, which stands for “Unreal Motion Graphics”. Understanding how the UMG system works is incredibly important for creating UI elements.

Full content: Workshop Three: Creating HUDs, Health Systems, and High Scores (PDF)

Starting the Twin Stick Shooter and Implementing AI

The fourth and fifth workshops use the same Unreal Online Learning course. In the fourth workshop, we will be doing the first half of the “Twin Stick Shooter with Blueprints” course. The previous workshops focused on one specific aspect of Unreal Engine, but the goal of this course is to have you interact with many of the different systems within Unreal. Some of these systems will be familiar to you, which will allow you to review them and expand upon your knowledge; other systems will be brandnew to you, and so you will be interacting with them for the first time. The “Twin Stick Shooter with Blueprints” course will lead you through making a whole prototype, a different one from the one you have been building in the Grand Prix. By the end of the Fast Track, you will have two different prototypes built!

Full content: Workshop Four: Starting the Twin Stick Shooter and Implementing AI (PDF)

Finishing the Twin-Stick Shooter and Your Own Project

For the last workshop in the Unreal Fast Track, we will finish the “Twin-Stick Shooter with Blueprints” Unreal Online Learning course. Before going back to the videos, open up the course and reacquaint yourself with the project.

Full content: Workshop Five: Finishing the Twin-Stick Shooter and Your Own Project (PDF)